
Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Woohoo! The evidence is finally here. The beginning of my legit publishing credit as a writer...That is all.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Push Me, Please

I came across a blog post on YARN that got me thinking...who are the Jillian Michaels equivalents in my writing world?

My writing buddies. As I've edited and revised my WIP based off their feedback, I'm noticing: I'm growing as a writer. They don't just let me get away with pretty words on a page. They make a comment bubble and say, "Show me this, don't tell me." Which is the writing equivalent of "Down and give me 20!"

I balk. I sigh. I sometimes even roll my eyes. Then I get to work and tweak it. Hm, what do you know? It sounds better... They're the people who see my strengths and even use ALL CAPS to celebrate a great brain brilliance. But then they're right up on me telling me I can do better when I slack.

So, many thanks to the girls who push me...including Traci, April, Angelina, Jenny, Amanda, Sara, Amelia, Emily, Morgen...and so many others. My writing would not be what it is (and what it's stretching to be) without YOU!

Who are YOUR writing buddies? How have they helped you stretch?